Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rollero Game

Perfect for Aryan children!

(two bathroom tissue tubes, construction paper, plastic drinking straw)

1. Cover two bathroom tissue tubes with glue and construction paper. Let dry.

2. With a pencil, mark of 1/2 inches along each tube. Cut the tubes at the 1 1/2-inch marks. Decorate the tubes with stripes of different-colored paper for each player.

Or take it seriously.

3. Set a starting point and a finish line on the table or floor. Race to the finish line by blowing through a plastic drinking straw to move your Rollero along.

Do NOT use stirring straws.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Indian Wall Portraits

Learn about the Indians while making art!

Glue walnut halves in the center of ovals cut from construction paper. Why walunts?


Paint features on walnuts for Indian maiden or brave, add yarn hair, bits of feathers, glue with real Indian tears!

For a frame, glue on a second oval. Make it classy and display your art alongside the other art you cherish.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Branch Goblins

Paint a small branch a bright color. Cut a head from a double thickness of heavy paper & glue outer part of head pieces together. Color your head using paint and/or pieces of pasted paper. Slip the head on the branch and glue in place. Color the face. Done.

See the amazing final results in the image below, you lazy f***!
Look, everybody! The Green Goblin!